Author/Blogger Newbie Tag

I’m fairly new to the authortube/blogger community, and have had trouble finding a way to fully break in. Earlier this month I did a #preptober “Outline with Me” livestream over on my YouTube channel. You can check it out here

These are some questions that I came up with on my own. I made this tag up from the top of my head. I sincerely apologize if this tag ends up being similar to one created by someone else. It is purely coincidental. 

Without further ado, let’s get into it!!

  1. Why did you start an authortube/blog?

I wanted to meet people with similar interests to mine. I’m an introvert and I thought joining this community alongside doing NaNoWriMo would be perfect.

  1. Give us info about your current WIP.

My current project is titled: I Am Royalty. It is a YA Fiction Novella about a 17 year old girl that finds out the king of the country she resides in is actually her father. So, she goes to live with him at the palace. Of course, she has trouble adapting to this new lifestyle. 

The word count for draft 1 was around 12,000 words. I will be working on my second draft by the time you all see this :)

p.s. I did a cover reveal! In my Instagram 'writing' highlights...

  1. Do you offer any services?

No, I do not offer any services. However, I’m thinking about taking classes to get credentials so that I could offer some. MAYBE, though. Maybe…

  1. Name?

I probably should have put this first lol. My name is: Jasmine Lang.

  1. Did you go to school for writing?

I’m currently going to school to get a degree in Business. 

  1. How did you find out about the Authortube community?

One day, I searched “how to publish your own book” into youtube and then went down the rabbit hole from there.

  1. Will you need Beta Readers or arc readers in the near future?

Yes! Especially after this second draft. 

  1. Will you be participating in NaNo this year? If so, is this your first year?

Yes, I will be participating for the first time this year!

I hoped you guys liked this new blog post! Sorry to keep y’all waiting. What do you want me to talk about next? Let me know…

Contact meh!

Insta: authorjazlang

Twitter: author_jazlang

YouTube: Jasmine Writes



lol see what I did there ;)


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